QIM allows you to create straightforward an installer for distributing any kind of file. You can build your own 68k, PPC or FAT installer application in a very simple way, choosing many features such as: compression, target processor, computer restarting, destination folder. The Built Installer can show your own logo in its main window as well as a scrolling styled "Read Me" text in its splash screen and also a scrolling styled help text. Both texts may have embedded Picts.
QIM is able to build single self-extracting installers and installers using external documents, for distributing your creations by using the media you want.
Even if you will never create an installer, QIM will be anyway useful:becoming the archiving application of your choice, since any single QIMDocument (QIMD) holds compressed items without limits.
QIM can also create compressed archives, BinHex and MacBinary files for a more convenient, free, world distribution. Last, but not least, QIM can create SEA applications.
QIM is shareware, it costs less than a small utility and anyone should afford it.
QIM requires at least System 7 to run.
QIM is Internet Config, Drag Manager and Navigation Manager aware moreover it's Appearance savvy. Balloons available.
Why to say more about QIM? Any technical analysis would be very prosy: you'd better try it.
The MacLocksmith is an useful application to save your files from indiscreet eyes. It protects your files/folders quickly by using a very strong encryption method and a password. The MacLocksmith supplies also a second, soft and fast, protection system. You may use it in situations of already good security level.
The MacLocksmith allows you to create Cryptet. Cryptets are stand-alone auto-decrypting applications containing one encrypted or protected file. A Cryptet may decrypt the contained file or simply save it on disks. Distribution of encrypted files is no longer a problem, now. You may create FAT, PPC or 68k applications and choose a text file that will be used, by created Cryptet, as custom About box.
The MacLocksmith can make also other actions:
- it locks/unlocks disks by software flag,
- sets/unsets lock bit of files,
- locks/unlocks names,
- shows/hides files and folders.
You may configure all actions of above through preferences, you may also set the preferences on the fly, before work, simply holding down option key.
Other preferences options:
- don't encrypt invisibles,
- ignore system resources,
- only folder's contents, ignore the folder itself,
- scan disks.
The MacLocksmith is Internet Config, Drag Manager and Navigation Manager aware, moreover it's Appearance savvy.
It requires at least System 7 to run.
The MacLocksmith has earned five cows from Tucows <http://www.tucows.com>
The MacLocksmith was "Shareware Pick of the Day!" for Tuesday, September 30, 1997 on BizProWeb <http://www.bizproweb.com>
YellowEdit 1.0.0 shareware$15
YellowEdit is a powerful styled text editor based on WASTE text editing library. It's SHAREWARE. After a trial period of one week it switches itself to Lite version. The Lite version has some special features disabled, but it's FREEWARE. You may register at any time the version you're using.
All WASTE based applications have some common feature:
No 32K text size limit. Built-in undo. Full WorldScript support. Double-byte/bidirectional scripts support. Built-in inline input support. Multi-styled text. Drag-and-drop text editing. Translucent Drag-and-Drop. Embedded objects. Real tabs. Fully justified text. Command-clicking of URLs (by using Internet Config).
YellowEdit offers a lot of additional features like:
Support of files of type 'TEXT', 'ttro', 'PICT', 'JPEG', 'JFIF','TIFF', 'PNTG' (MacPaint), '3DMF' (QuickDraw3D), 'sfil', 'MooV' (QuickTime). Support of SimpleText documents also with PICT and Sound resources. Insertion of supported files inside existing texts, also by drag-and-drop of desktop icons onto open windows. Date-time insertion. On the fly sound creation-insertion. Advanced text selection. Ability to keep several clipboard instance. Dos/mac/unix text conversion. Support of dos/mac/unix line break. Bookmarks for any individual document. Documents statistics. Directory popup. Live scrolling. SmartScroll support. Occurrences counting. Text manipolation: uppercase, lowercase, word-caps, sentence-caps, smart quote, strip diacrictics, Rot13. Individual documents preferences. Auto indent. Showing/hiding colors. Mono styled text option. Set/unset, on the fly, "ReadOnly" file. Searching and opening of text selection (simple hypertext feature). Advanced Search/Replace features (also across windows). Advanced windows management. Support for external extensions (Plug-Ins 1) to increase its capacity (a SDK for writing extension is included). Creation (and usage) of 3 kind of external module ( Plug-Ins 2): 1) predefined styled texts insertion; 2) styled HTML tags insertion; 3) opening of the front window by using different applications (i.e. if you're using YellowEdit for HTML programming you should easily view your page by using your preferred browser or check the html code by using your preferred html validator). Ability to cooperate with ThinkReference and ToolboxAssistant. Ability to cooperate with CodeWarrior. SpeechManager support. Catalogs creation: you may create catalogs of disks and folders by using the proper menu or by dragging disks and folders on the YellowEdit icon (Catalogs + Search/Replace + Open selection + Count occurrences + Doc statistics = useful catalog utility) .
Last, but not least, YellowEdit may create YellowView 2.0 application. YellowView is a multi-page, stand-alone document viewer having all of YellowEdit features (but don't allow writing or changing).
And much more…
YellowEdit is Appearance Savvy and requires at least System 7 to run
Need you a fast way to build stand-alone multi page documentation? or a Reference system? or a Help System? Should have, the program you need, a very low cost? Should be, the applications created, under free distribution?
YellowView is what you want!
You may build a YellowView's stand-alone documentation by dragging text files onto its icon or onto its window or by means of menus. You may create 68k, PPC or FAT binary YellowView's applications.
YellowView's stand-alone documentations are WASTE based applications having some special features:
Any individual page has no 32K text size limit. Full WorldScript support. Double-byte/bidirectional scripts support. Multi-styled text. Drag Manager support. Translucent Drag-and-Drop. Embedded objects (images, sounds, QuickDraw3D, QuickTime). Real tabs. Fully justified text. Command-clicking of URLs (by using Internet Config). Text selection. Bookmarks. Live scrolling. SmartScroll support. Searching and opening of text selection (simple hypertext feature). Search features (also across the whole application). SpeechManager support. Custom icon for any individual page. Full support od SimpleText text documents.
Last, but not least, YellowView's stand-alone documentations support five kind of AppleEvents, with related AppleScript commands, for searching words or pages. This feature allows to configure YellowView's applications as Help or Reference System.
YellowView Builder SHAREWARE. All YellowView's stand-alone documentations can be freely distributed.
YellowView is Appearance Savvy, Internet Config, Icon Service and Navigation Manager aware. It requires at least System 7 to run
Make The Eraser the cleaning application of your choice! There are its features:
• Security erasing. The Eraser deletes your files by using a sophisticated procedure. It lets you customize many details of this job. The recovery of deleted files becomes impracticable: there's no utility ables to do it!
• Simple erasing. You may also choose some details of this job.
• Disk erasing. The Eraser may initialize your disks by using its own, customizable, method. Through a co-operation with System, The Eraser allows you to take advantage of HFS+ and FSM, if you want.
The Eraser returns several informations while is using the features of above and allows you to stop its performance at any time. It works fine and fast in background, deleting large groups of items... But The Eraser may also create lists, from where you may gather infos/trash/delete the file you want. You may also trash/delete the whole list and you've always the option to erase by using the Security method.
List options:
• Preferences Folder. The Eraser scans this folder searching for orphan preferences files.
• System Folder. It scans the whole System Folder searching for orphan files.
• Orphan files. It scans your disks and folders, searching for orphan files (you may also check individual files).
You may get a more accurate analysis, searching for orphan files, by activating a couple of special options, but slackening the scan speed.
• Cache cleaning. The Eraser may scan the cache folders of your Browsers, excluding some files according to theirs modification dates.
• Find. This is a cool feature! The Eraser may scan disks and folders (and individual files) following your instructions: you may instruct it to search files matching type, creator, extension, prefix and name. It may also skip or include files created or/and modified within the period of time you want.
The Eraser is Internet Config, Drag Manager and Navigation Manager aware, moreover it's Appearance savvy. It requires at least System 7 to run.
ToScrap 1.4.1 shareware$10
ToScrap is a useful application for copying data to Clipboard without open files containing those data, also it may translate, into memory, several kind of files before copying.
Data copied can be pasted, naturally, following the usual procedure, but ToScrap is very useful for checking, quickly, the contents of files without use specific applications.
ToScrap can also automatically open the Finder's Clipboard window, after copying (or else at any time).
Preferences, for choosing alternative work method.
ToScrap is Macintosh Drag and Drop, Internet Config, Balloon Help and Navigation Manager aware, moreover it's Appearance savvy. It requires, at least System Seven to run.
AliasCrony is the ultimate alias manager. It has several features:
- Since aliases of applications lose the capability to have files dropped on, when the original is on a different volume, AliasCrony can create SuperAlias, a new alias kind, having drag capability always active.
- It can create aliases or SuperAliases and put them into specific predefined folders, when you're using the Drag&Drop mode. From its menus, instead, you can select the destination folders by using a speedy way.
- It can update aliases (also as SuperAliases) on the fly or else through its menus.
- It can add, to aliases, some useful custom icon, freeing a bit of space on desktop (as before: you can add the custom icon on the fly or else by using the proper menu).
-You may configure any action of above through preferences and change them with one keystroke before creating aliases or SuperAliases .
- It can scan all on-line volumes to create lists of:
a) attached aliases,
b) unattached aliases,
c) aliases and originals on different volumes.
- It can scan also individual folders-disks.
The created lists return useful infos about the aliases found, moreover, from these lists, AliasCrony can do several actions:
a) retrieves and shows aliases and originals.
b) links/updates/deletes/moves aliases.
c) shows the Finder's Info window, about aliases and originals.
d) updates aliases of applications to SuperAliases.
e) trashs the whole aliases list.
AliasCrony is Internet Config and Navigation Manager aware, Appearance Savvy and requires at least System Seven to run.
FileT&C is an useful application for changing file type and/or creator…
It's very useful for normal desktop usage, but is really cool when works, fine, fast and in background, with a lot of files. Also it can scan, quickly, disks and folders looking for files to treat...
FileT&C is Internet Config aware and has a couple of options to change, according to name extension, following the Internet Config's File Mapping setting.
FileT&C has some useful hot keys for changing, on the fly skipping the "Request Dialog", by using the preferred type and/or creator set in the preferences and for modifying the preferences before changing. You can also instruct it to ignore during its performance, some kind of files or to treat only some other specific types.
FileT&C is Macintosh Drag and Drop aware, Appearance savvy and requires at least System Seven to run.
NameChum 2.1.0 shareware$10
NameChum is a useful application for changing the name of files, folders and disks. It can add prefix and/or suffix by using one of offered options:
• user's choice,
• date,
• time,
• progressive number.
Moreover NameChum has other cool features for working on names:
• searches/replaces characters,
• removes any number of characters starting from whatever position into names,
• truncates start and/or end of names.
Through preferences you may decide:
• the default action,
• the default job system,
• whether NameChum should scan directories,
• whether it should change names of directories,
• whether it should restart the progressive number at each session,
• whether it should try to set the extensions of names following the Internet Config "File Mapping" setting,
• whether it should set the extensions of names following only the Internet Config File Mapping" setting,
• up to four file type to ignore during the renaming,
• up to four file type to rename, ignoring the other ones.
NameChum is useful for normal desktop usage, but is cool when works, fine, fast and in background, with thousands of files.
By using hot keys you may skip the "request" dialog and changing, on the fly, by using the default action. Moreover there's a key for setting the preferences before work.
The Eraser is Internet Config, Drag Manager and Navigation Manager aware, moreover it's Appearance savvy. It requires at least System 7 to run.
37thResEx 2.0.2 shareware $10
37thResEx is a useful application for seeing, extracting, copying and transferring resources from files. By means of it you may:
• view all types of resources into files;
• view all resources of determined type;
• view resources contents;
• know resources attributes;
• gather resources infos;
• copy individual resources or whole types into already existing files or into new ones;
• modify attributes of copied resources;
• modify attributes of original resources;
• remove from files individual resource or whole types;
• check the Resource Fork integrity.
37thResEx can also convert resources of type 'snd ', 'TEXT', 'PICT', and icon families into double-clickable files:
• converted Icon families show theirs own icon on the desktop;
• converted 'snd ' resources become sound files;
• converted 'TEXT' resources become styled text files
• converted 'PICT' resources become pict files.
Last, but not least: by means of hot key, you may achieve directly the Conversion dialogs, without opening the file-related window. Moreover, if you launch 37thResEx by using this feature, after completing its job it quits itself automatically.
37thResEx is Internet Config, Drag Manager, Balloon Help and Navigation Manager aware, moreover it's Appearance savvy. It requires at least System 7 to run.
DocJet 1.3.2 shareware$10
DocJet is a wonderful utility for opening:
1) objects (files, applications, controls, folders, disks and so on),
2) groups of different objects by using specified applications,
3) specified kind of objects by using alternative applications,
4) specified kind of objects by using Internet Config's Post Process setting.
The first option works by means of keystrokes, the second through dragging+keystrokes, the remaining by simple dragging. Naturally you may also work from within DocJet, by using buttons.
You may create a data base containing all entries you need then remove all aliases from desktop, leaving DocJet alone: it may supersede all af them!
DocJet is Internet Config, Drag Manager and Navigation Manager aware, moreover it's Appearance savvy. It requires at least System 7 to run.
Substitute is a useful general purpose utility, it has a lot of options:
• Version checking. It checks, automatically, the contents of many folders class. It may also check the version of any object you want.
• Removes extra code from FAT application, allowing you to select the code you want to remove. It can also scan disks and folders, searching for FAT objects to optimize.
• Desktop rebuilding.
• Monitor depth changing.
• Sound level changing.
• File conversion by means of QuickTime™.
• Gathers accurate informations about files, folders and disks.
• Compacts the System Heap as well as the free System memory.
• TransStyle: to simplify 'styl' resources for a faster text drawing between script systems. Many options available, 'styl' deletion also.
• Launches Applications, Desk Accessories and files having type APPC, appe, adrp, APPD, FNDR with the skill to make a permanent, but alterable, lists of these files and run them from a proper menu. It can restart-launch the Finder and At Ease.
• Processes management: tracks the foreground process reporting useful infos into its main window; switches to foreground any individual process; closes any individual process; gathers accurate infos about any individual process; closes all processes but itself.
• Files and folders copying (even in background).
• Files and folders moving, even to trash.
• Tracks all online volumes and can unmount/eject them.
• Reports any Keyboard Layout available.
• Shows all installed fonts (it may also change its own window font).
• Mac Shutdown/Restart.
• Current Date/Time.
Substitute is Internet Config and Navigation Manager aware, moreover it's Appearance savvy. It requires at least System 7 to run.
Witchdoctor is a program that allows the user to manipulate files in several way by means of plug-ins. It has two kind of plug-ins: Watcher (the plug-in that does everything) and Module (a plug-in containing resources). You may create plug-ins, quickly and easily using Witchdoctor itself. After its creation a Watcher can perform up to five series of actions:
1) Nothing. Two ways file conversion (docA<->docB). One way file conversion (docA->docB, docB->docA). According to file opened, and following the plug-in setting, Witchdoctor may change Finder Infos, add resources from a Module or may zap the whole Res Fork. For example: up until now in order to create self-extracting compressed archive, you need to open the document with whatever program goes with it, then save it as a self-extractor. Now instead, after you've created the appropriate plug-in, you can just drop the document on Witchdoctor, and it will output a self-extractor, and vice versa. You may also create simple de-sea plug-ins or else custom plug-ins to just change types and creators of specific files.
2) File filter. The Watcher, here, may stop itself or else continuing according to its setting.
3) Nothing. File's Finder flag bits changing (stationery, locked, invisible and so on). The Watcher allows you to change all bits or else what you want.
4) Nothing. Type and/or Creator changing. Unlike the first action, here the Watcher may change without perform any check.
5) Nothing. File deletion. Direct file launching. File launching by means of alternate applications. File duplication. File trashing. File copying. Alias creation.
You may select manually the plug-in that should work, or let Witchdoctor choose the appropriate one. In a few words plug-ins creation is limited only by your creativity. By using a bit of fantasy you may create plug-ins for (little) security erasing, or to launch a self-extracting archive after its creation, or to open all dragged files by using one alternate application, or to open any dragged file by using several alternative applications. And so on...
Last but not least, Witchdoctor may create Witchcraft! Witchcrafts are stand-alone applications containing a Watcher and, optionally, a Module. You may create Witchcrafts as 68K, PPC or FAT application type. They work just as a Watcher selected manually. As bonus Witchcrafts may contain custom About boxes.
Both Witchdoctor and Witchcraft may work on folders!
Witchdoctor is Internet Config aware, Appearance Savvy and requires at least System Seven to run. Think different, use Witchdoctor!
The Musician plays files having type 'Mp3 ', 'WAVE', 'AIFF', 'AIFC', 'VfW ', '.WAV', 'Midi', 'ULAW', 'sfil', 'BINA', 'MPEG', 'MPGa', 'MPGv', 'MPGx', 'dvc!', 'sd2f', sounds inside Movies ('MooV'), CD Audio tracks ('trak') and, at last, plays 'snd ' resources inside whatever file!
But the strength of The Musician is its scanning ability: it may explore your HDs, CDs, folders, diskettes, files, searching for sounds to play. For example you may drag your disks on The Musician then continuing your normal work: The Musician will play, asynchronously and in background, any file of above that will find.
According to your setting The Musician can play any sound immediately or after your consent, in this last case, whenever founds 'snd ' resources inside a file, it also conveys you how many sounds the file contains.
In addition you may instruct The Musician to collect aliases of sound files, while it's playing, so you may enjoy them, when you want, without perform another search.
The main window has a simple bar that meters the input level of the microphone, you may disable the bar through the preferences.
At last The Musician may show the QuickTime™ keyboard (for your fun!) and record new sounds in 'sfil' or 'AIFF' format.
The Musician is Internet Config, Drag Manager and Navigation Manager aware, moreover it's Appearance savvy. It requires at least System 7 to run and uses QuickTime™ to play some kind of files.
The mad, acid, savescreen of your choice, is here againg! HypnOptic becomes HypnOptic Savescreen System, a modular and customizable package that, better than before, will drive you crazy.
The HypnOptic INIT automates the savescreen starting and the HypnOptic Control lets you select your favoured module, the idle time and decide whether the module should play sounds. Furthermore the Control accepts, as module, any kind of file so it may launch, after the inactivity time, the file you want: different savescreen applications, disk defragmentation utilities, the letter you're writing, since one year, to your sweetheart and so on.
Modules are stand-alone applications so, if you want, you may use them also without the Control-INIT aid (just like the old HypnOptic), moreover any module is able to play sounds asynchronously.
Besides INIT and Control, the HypnOptic Savescreen System package contains four modules:
• HypnOptic Classic, the first, original version of the savescreen responsible for, always living, HypnOpticmania.
• HypnOptic Standard, based on Classic version with some additional graphic element. It may, casually, use RGB Colors and patterns, in addition to Classic QuickDraw.
• OloPpat, it use patterns for creating a simple, but nice, savescreen.
• Sixties, a totally new savescreen with a psychedelic feeling...
Last, but not least, you may find inside the package a SDK for developing your own savescreen application. The SDK project lets you concentrate only on the creative part of developing: the main, and more tedious, part of work is already done. Even if you're a inexperienced programmer you may easily build your own HypnOptic, stand-alone, module. The SDK contains also a fifth savescreen: HOSDK.
HypnOptic Control is Internet Config and Navigation Manager aware, moreover it's Appearance savvy.
YellowSweet 1.1.0 is a collection of utilities. Authors, developers, distributors and final users may find them useful.
YellowSweet, currently, includes seven applications.
MiniSubstitute 1.7.2:
MiniSubstitute is a short, version of Substitute. You may use it as Finder replacement on emercency diskettes. There are three version of MiniSubstitute, inside the package: 68K (about 11K) , PPC (about 14K), FAT (about 21K). Use the version you need.
MiniSubstitute can launch Applications, Desk Accessories and files having type APPC, appe, adrp, APPD, with the skill to make lists of these files, and run them from a proper menu.
Shutdown/Restart option available.
MiniSubstitute is Appearance Savvy and requires at least System 7 to run.
YellowExtractor 1.3.1:
YellowExtractor may decode Binhex and MacBinary files. In addition it may extract from QIM compressed archive and QIMDocuments. It may also decrypt files encrypted with The MacLocksmith, if you own the right password, naturally. YellowExtractor manages other kind of files by using Internet Config File Mappings.
YellowExtractor is Internet Config and Navigation Manager aware, Appearance savvy and requires at least System 7 to run.
YellowReg 2.0.1:
You probably need a Registration Form to go with your product but do you have the time or inclination to develop one? Its a pain! So now you can use YellowReg to solve your problem, it's EASY to configure - only some strings to set before including it with your product.
Simply by setting these strings you may decide whether YellowReg should accept only Cash or also Checks and/or Credit Cards, you may decide as well whether add, to a Form, up to four prices, typically Single User, Site, Academic and World-Wide Licenses. YellowReg may manage multiple Single User licenses price.
You may customize a Form in any way you wish, when your user fills in the Form, YellowReg builds a text file following his data and your setting then, after adding some informations about the User's Mac, saves the file. The user may send you the saved file via snail mail or e-mail.
Best of all YellowReg may contain how many Registration Forms you want: with a single, small, application you may handle the registrations of all products of you. Moreover the YellowReg About Box may show a scrollable text with styles and embedded PICTs!
YellowReg is Navigation Manager aware and Appearance savvy. It requires at least System 7 to run.
YellowWebDown 1.1.0:
YellowWebDown allows you to easily build a simple WEB Installer using URL Access or the QuickTime™ Network features.
You should simply set two strings per file to download, before distribute it. The YellowWebDown About Box may show a scrollable text with styles and embedded PICTs! YellowWebDown uses Internet Config to decode downloaded files or just to download files if URL Access or QuickTime™ fails or aren't present.
YellowWebDown is Navigation Manager aware and Appearance savvy. It needs OpenTransport 1.2 plus QuickTime™ 3 or URL Access or Internet Config. It requires at least System 7 to run.
YellowBookmarks 1.0.1:
Sometimes you should provide your users with a list of Bookmarks to send you mail, to reach Web Pages or to download files. YellowBookmarks avoids you to distribute long and confused TEXT files: it shows a list of nicknames, when your user double-click a nickname YellowBookmarks launch the related URL. By selecting nicknames Users may copy related URLs. You should simply set two strings per bookmark, before distribute your bookmarks application. The YellowBookmarks About Box may show a scrollable text with styles and embedded PICTs!
YellowBookmarks is useful also for final users who want to manage theirs bookmarks in a simple way.
YellowBookmarks is navigable with mouse and keyboard.
YellowBookmarks is Internet Config aware. It's Appearance savvy. It requires at least System 7 to run.
YellowLaunchURL 1.0.1:
It's a short version of YellowBookmarks, it contains only one URL: when your user double-click the application icon, it launches the contained URL then quit.
YellowLaunchURL is Internet Config aware. It requires at least System 7 to run.
YellowURL 1.0b1:
It's a experimental applications (PPC only) for uploading/downloading by using the new Apple's URL Access.
YER 1.0.0 shareware $15
YER (Yellow Error Reference) is the most complete application to retrieve Mac's error codes.
You should simply type the error number and then YER shows you the related error name and explanation just as stated by Universal Headers. When there are more than one error using the same number, YER shows you all existing definition. YER knows error codes defined in the following Headers: